“association of people who would foster the life of the soul,
both in the individual and in human society,
on the basis of a true knowledge of the spiritual world.”
Time: 10:30 am to 4 pm
Potluck Lunch break 12:30 - 2:00
Bring your favorite dish to share
Sanderling Waldorf School
2585 Business Park Drive, Vista, CA 92081
Suggested Donation: $20
“Outer forces cannot create the space our inner being needs to grow. Only the inner calm we create in the soul can do so.”
“As esoteric students, we ourselves must give birth to a new, higher being within us.”
“Meditation is the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential center of our being.” (from How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner)
How do you create inner quiet? Practice. Nothing very fancy or mysterious or exotic. Just good old-fashioned practice, with a good dose of humility and gratitude. This will be a day of practice, for all levels of practitioners. But what to practice?
Everyone must find what works for them to quiet a busy mind, calm a distracted soul and ease a restless body. I will offer a number of practices, that I have found and love, that work to prepare the ground. They include perception exercises, listening, working with verse and imagination, breath and body awareness, gentle movement and a simple heart alignment exercise.
In all practices we are working, or playing, with attention — our capacity to place our attention where we choose and to enter feelingly into the experience. Those of you who are familiar with the 6 Basic Exercises (which Steiner gave over and over again as an important ground for all further meditative work) will recognize the 1st, concentration and control of thinking, in this working with attention.
“Once we begin to meditate, we achieve the only really fully free deed possible in this human life… When we meditate, we are completely free.”
—Rudolf Steiner, Lecture on Aug 8, 1922
Facilitator: Joseph Rubano has been a meditator and disciple on the path for over 50 years. He has received teachings and inspiration from many sources. Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner have been the primary source and ground of his spiritual work for the past 35 years. He has a Biographical Counseling practice in Oceanside, CA and is on the faculty of the Biography and Social Art Program at Sunbridge Institute in NY. He has been offering the True Heart True Mind Enlightenment Intensive and the Desert Solo (Vision Quest) in San Diego for the past 15 years.
Dear Friends
You are invited to join us on September 27th, 2024 at 7:00 PM in Escondido, to read together Rudolf Steiner's Last Address, originally given on Michaelmas Eve, 1924, entitled:
"The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, and Novalis"
For those unable to come, we hope that you will read with us at home: https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA238/English/Singles/19240928p01.html
We will close by reading from Hymns to the Night & Spiritual Songs by Novalis.
Please email: contact@sandiegoanthroposophy.com for more information / directions.
Saturday 7/27: Planetary Workshop (1-4pm)
Sunday 7/28: Re-visiting the Celebration of Life
of Susan Starr (11-2pm)
Location: Mira Mesa, CA
Email contact@sandiegoanthroposophy.com for directions / details.
Complimentary session about your Sun Sign is
available to all who pre-register at the following link:
You can find out more about Maria and her work at her website:
Please donate here to support this event:
(Suggested minimum donation $20):
Please join us for a lecture on Saturday, June 22nd, given by Reverend Rafal Nowak of The Christian Community in Los Angeles.
Sanderling Waldorf School
2585 Business Park Drive, Vista, CA 92081
12:00 am - 1:30 pm Potluck Lunch
1:30 - 3pm - Lecture
You are warmly invited to attend our 2024 Annual General Meeting on:
Sunday April 28th
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: Fallbrook, CA
Potluck lunch!
Bring your favorite dish to share!
Please email: contact@sandiegoanthroposophy.com for details on the location or if you did not receive the flyer for this event.
We look forward to gathering together!
May we continue to strive to bring the gifts of spiritual science to all who yearn for them.